Krakow, Poland, 22 - 24 June 2022
Open source practitioner with over 20 years of experience in software engineering across multiple disciplines including software architecture and design, consulting, business analysis and application development. Speaker who presented seminars at dozens of conferences worldwide (i.e. SpringOne, JavaZone, JavaOne etc.). Currently Oleg is leading Spring Cloud Function and Spring Cloud Stream projects.
Spring Cloud Stream Past, Present, and Future.
Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building highly scalable microservices connected to shared messaging systems. Together with Spring Cloud Function, Spring Cloud Task and other frameworks from the Spring Cloud portfolio, it is evolving and quickly becoming a go-to solution for users who want to spend more time concentrating on functional aspects of their microservices while guarding themselves from nonfunctional (boilerplate) concerns such as connectivity, integration, and many others. In this "state of the union" session (50/50 presentation/live-code), Oleg will discuss and demonstrate the current features, the recent changes and enhancements, and talk about what's coming in the future.
Spring and Functions - implement once execute anywhere!
In the advent of volatile “cloud-native”, distributed architectures ranging from enterprise integration to data streaming to microservices, how can one avoid getting sucked into the vendor/product specific implementation details? In this mostly hands on session, we will uncover the under-appreciated value of the “three musketeers” of Java API - Supplier, Function and Consumer as well as the Spring Cloud Function framework and the value it adds in ensuring your code stays clean and neutral yet ready and capable of executing in the run-time environment of your choice. We will cover variety of use cases, (e.g., messaging, streaming, REST, reactive etc), products and framework such as Spring Cloud Stream, RabbitMQ and more. And of course - Spring Cloud Functions and Spring Native!