Krakow, Poland, 22 - 24 June 2022

Tim te Beek


Senior software engineer who enjoys working with and contributing to Open Source such as Spring Boot, Kafka, WireMock, OpenRewrite and ArchUnit.

When not at work you'll find me travelling, bouldering, snowboarding, surfing or at one of many cultural events around my home town or abroad.

Major migrations made easy

Development Practices

Conferences love to show you the latest and greatest framework versions and language features. But those new technologies can feel a world away back at work. And it can be hard to justify the time spent to upgrade something that’s not broken, such as JUnit 4.

What if you could migrate in mere minutes? With OpenRewrite you can! A collection of fine grained recipes combine to achieve large scale migrations of frameworks and tools related to the JVM. And since it uses an abstract syntax tree, refactorings are guaranteed safe.

Upgrade Spring, Micronaut and Quarkus. Adopt JUnit 5; switch to AssertJ. Replace Log4j with Logback. Fix Checkstyle violations. A world of quick and easy migrations awaits!

Choose your own adventure with Spring Security

Hands-on Lab

Learn and apply Spring Security 5+ in a collection of individual challenges, for all levels. From picking the right dependency, to enforcing security constraints. Choose from a series of self-guided exercises around authorization to suit your needs. Topics include: OpenID Connect, Keycloak and integrating with Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Data and Testing. Walk away with increased confidence in Spring Security and what it can do for your projects.

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Venue address

ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17


+48 691 793 877


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